Educational Tracks
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Join more than 2,700 practitioners, providers and presenters at the California HR Conference by Professionals In Human Resources Association.
Attendees are able to earn SHRM professional development credits (PDCs) and HR Certification Institute (HRCI) Business, California, Global and HR (General) recertification credits. The concurrent sessions are presented by skilled and experienced speakers in California Employment Law, HR Compliance, Business & HR Strategy, Talent Management, Global HR, Total Rewards, Professional Development, and Nonprofit HR.
Organize your learning opportunities by track! Sessions that are specific to a particular topics will fall into one of the following tracks:
Sessions in this track offer insight to HR legal issues specific to California. Don’t let the complexities of California employment law derail the success of your HR management. With so many sessions and speakers focusing on the pulse of HR in California, there is ample continuing education and development for executive, director, and managerial-level professionals.
The focus areas are on California Employment Law and Compliance.
With constantly changing labor laws, increasingly tougher privacy rules, and new developments in federal policy, it’s never been more important to keep pace with the latest HR laws and legislation. Help protect your company from liability and avoid legal risk before it arises by staying current with the latest changes in labor legislation. We offer a broad range of sessions presented by some of the top legal minds in the country. We help you remain federally compliant and stay on top of today’s legislative priorities.
The focus areas are Compliance, and Legislative Update.
Strategic planning. Innovation. Business competencies. This conference track has them all. Today more than ever, companies rely on HR to play a key role in creating sound strategies to achieve their objectives. Here, you can learn from leading experts how to build a roadmap to your goals. Discover how strategic planning can maximize employee performance and create business value. Learn how to support your business case, measure results and gain buy-in from your C-suite.
The focus areas are Strategic Alignment, Business Competencies, Innovation, and Measurement.
Talent. Your company’s greatest asset. HR’s greatest challenge. One of the biggest challenges companies continue to face is retaining their best talent. Leading experts will share best practices during these sessions — so you can create an environment where your best people will thrive. Learn how to attract, recruit, manage and inspire A-list employees who can move your organization forward. Discover how to handle the most difficult HR situations with ease and engage employees to increase morale, productivity and retention. See how you can leverage the latest technology and techniques to find, train and retain the best workforce possible.
The focus areas are Recruiting & New Media, Communication Strategies, Engagement & Morale, and Workforce Planning.
As the global market expands, so does the role of HR. In a global economy, where organizations and employees span countries and continents, keeping pace with international HR issues is not just important: it’s ESSENTIAL. Today’s HR leaders need to have a global mindset and understand how cross-cultural issues can impact their business. Experts from around the globe join us in Long Beach to share their ideas, experiences and successful practices. From managing diverse teams to communicating across the world to recruiting and cultivating foreign talent, you will learn how to leverage the strengths and overcome the challenges of an international workforce.
The focus areas are Global Compliance, Global Talent Management, and Cross-Cultural Insights.
Total rewards packages can attract and retain top talent. Or drive it away. As the economy recovers, benefits and compensation packages must keep pace. Yet health care and other costs are rising. So how do you compete without crossing the line from black into the red? From plan design to cost containment, learn how to leverage total rewards to achieve superior organizational performance. Leading experts will teach you how to implement sustainable rewards strategies — to remain competitive and increase employee satisfaction while steering clear of common issues that can get you and your company into trouble.
The focus areas are Employee Benefits, Total Compensation, Health Care, and Wellness.
Today’s HR leaders are strategic counselors who must be prepared for what’s next. That means having the right set of tools, skills and traits to be an exceptional leader. Even the most experienced HR professionals benefit from continued skill development. This track will give you the opportunity to learn from experts on leadership, recertification, career advancement, and more. So whether your goals center on cultivating your company’s employees or taking your own career to the next level, these sessions can help you achieve them.
The focus areas are Leadership, Career Development, and Skill Enhancement.
The California HR Conference partnered with the Center for Nonprofit Management to present a one-day track with nonprofit HR-specific sessions.
For nearly 40 years, the Center for Nonprofit Management has stood as the premier resource for the Southern California nonprofit community. By providing assistance in a variety of areas, the Center has supported thousands of organizations as they meet the needs of their communities.
Join California’s top-level HR and business leaders for an exclusive cohort at #CAHR19. This summit is intended for CHROs and HR executives with 15+ years of HR experience. Attendees will find value in tailored content, sessions, speakers, and breakout groups providing valuable insight and interactions, and networking with experienced peers.
CAHR19 Sessions Directory →
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