CAHR19 Sunday Recap - CAHR25

CAHR19 Sunday Recap

Sunday is always a special day at the California HR Conference. We on the PIHRA and CAHR teams get to see all our hard work come together, attendees start their conference experience early, and the Convention Center starts buzzing with excitement. 

We all get to bask in the newness and anticipation of the HR awesomeness that takes over Long Beach before the event really gets rolling. If you couldn’t make Sunday at CAHR19 part of your professional development this year, below are some highlights of Day 1. (And if you couldn’t make it at all this year, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn for regular updates with hashtags #CAHR19 and #MYCAHR19.)

Sunday Registration

Badge? Check. Bag full of CAHR19 info and goodies? Check. App downloaded and hashtags identified? Check! Those who joined us yesterday got to settle in and take care of some housekeeping early. They also got to enjoy DJ Noble’s first set, all the books in the SHRM Store, and enjoy using our neat Contact sharing feature in the app. Don’t forget to scan the people you meet!

New Member Reception

There’s no better time to expand your HR circle and share some common ground with your peers than at the New Member Reception. This year’s get together came complete with a bourbon tasting, basil peppered bacon, and plenty of get-to-know-you exercises. Laughter filled the room more often than not as hands shook across the tables. Stories of life changing moments that led everyone into the HR industry were swapped and reminisced over. In short, friendships were formed and networks grew. 

Al Madrigal Stand Up Comedy

When you work in HR, you’ve gotta have a sense of humor. Our performer last night is an expert in laughter AND Human Resources! Al had the entire room rolling and doubled over with tales of his 10+ years in HR. He put on his progressive discipline hat and took us through hilarious examples of how not to use social media if you want to keep your job and reputation intact. His frank observational jokes provided the perfect compliment to all the serious HR content. 

This is just a small portion of what happened during our first day in Long Beach. Stay tuned for more updates and follow #CAHR19 on LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook!